September 2020

A 3 day Movement Therapy was organized by Dastak Charitable Trust for the survivors of violence in September, 2020. It was conducted by a certified fitness trainer. 12 women participated in this therapeutic activity.

The session included meditation sessions, comprising of breathing exercises. The session focused on understanding how movement adds to one’s emotional well being and can be a powerful tool for non-verbal communication. The goal was to understand how feelings and life experiences live inside our body and can get trapped there. The body can be the key to unlocking profound levels of healing and recovering.

Women were engaged in different activities including Mirroring activities, Charades, depicting emotions through different styles of walking. Participants reflected on the importance of how our bodies can say so much, and how we can use movement to communicate what we are feeling.

On May 2, Dastak organized a game show event for juveniles prisoners in Bahawalpur Borstal and Juvenile Institute. This was part of the Education for Children. The game show comprised of five rounds of general knowledge questions, solving puzzles and physical games. 61 children participated in the games and won a number of prizes such as sports items, indoor games.and snacks. Dastak team created a temporary game show set inside the prison facility to make it authentic and more enjoyable for the children. No photographs could be taken as it is prohibited in the prison.

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